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Your story makes you different.
Different is good.

What is it that makes your product and service different? Why are you doing what you do in the first place? What is your inspiration? What makes what you do so unique? Craft a compelling story that will captivate your audience and keep them coming back for more, from questions like these. Be sure to tell that story, along with practical information about your product and service. Your marketing must reflect that same internal inspiration and spark!

Your story makes you different.
Different is good.

What is it that makes your product and service different? Why are you doing what you do in the first place? What is your inspiration? What makes what you do unique? This is the story that will captivate your audience and keep them coming back for more. Be sure to tell that story along with practical information about your product and service. Your marketing must reflect that same internal inspiration and spark!

Logo Brand

The definition of branding has expanded and changed over the decades. We use the term in this narrow context—to develop the logo mark of the company. That logo denotes ownership, as when cattle are branded. Although a logo is considered a start to the entire branding process, everything a company does either supports or erodes the branding process. Ultimately you want your brand to reside in the minds of your customers. That is why consistency of look and message is crucial. Inconsistency is the enemy of successful branding.

Responsive Websites

As technology has advanced, so has the craft of web development. Nowadays, as the Desktop version of your website is being designed, so are the laptop, tablet, and mobile. This advancement saves a tremendous amount of time, even though there is some design tweaking once the Desktop is complete. If your website is more than five years old, it is highly likely to need a deep refresh. Remember, Google ranks site by usability.

Responsive Websites

As technology has advanced, so has the craft of web development. Nowadays, as the Desktop version is being designed, so is the laptop, tablet and mobile. This saves a tremendous amount of time, even though there is some design tweaking to do once the Desktop is complete. If your website is more than five years old, there is a high probability that it needs a deep refresh. Remember Google ranks site by usability.


The best form of advertising is word of mouth from customers who recommend your business and speak positively about your products or service. It is also the least expensive. Traditional avenues such as Television, Radio, Direct Mail, and Print advertising used to be the main avenues to reach customers. Again, technology has changed that dynamic. Today, every business has a web presence that anyone can find from anywhere. The ability to reach people with web ads and social media has driven the costs down to reach potential customers.

Book Design

I don’t know about you, but who wants to come home from a long day of work in front of a computer and relax with a good book . . . in front of a computer? People still love the warmth of having a book in hand. The production of the book and the platform for selling and delivery may be different and more advanced, but the joy of reading a physical book still ranks high. If you are an author, you still need a professional to design the cover and interior. In essence, the cover is a package that attracts the potential reader to pick out the book. The interior needs to be crafted for readability and ease on the eyes. There are always cheaper alternatives, but the results will reflect that choice.

Book Design

I don’t know about you, but who wants to come home from a day of work in front of a computer and relax with a good book on the computer? People still love the warmth of having a book in hand. The production of the book and the platform for selling and delivery may be different and more advanced, but the joy of reading a physical book still ranks high. If you are an author, you still need a professional to design the cover and interior. In essence, the cover is a package that attracts the potential reader to pick out the book. The interior needs to be crafted for readability and ease on the eyes. There are always cheaper alternatives, but the results will reflect that choice.


When you walk down the aisles of a store, you will be drawn to visually appealing products. That is because the brain is a visual instrument, and we respond to colors, contrasts, proportion, and order, among other things. Package design considers the market for the product, and the target audience, and their sensibilities. Another consideration is the other competing products in that category—how does your product stand out within the crowd? These considerations require many design variations and testing before the right design can be selected. Don’t leave this creative process in the hands of your inexperienced brother-in-law. Unless...well... I’m your brother-in-law.

Printed Materials

Designing for print was how I started in this profession. The web was not even a twinkle in anyone’s eye. Creating materials to be printed by a commercial printer required a high level of knowledge to achieve the desired results. Before I worked as a designer, I worked in the printing industry, and this experience provided the know-how to design quality print materials. As with everything in this field, technology has made creating print materials more effortless and less expensive, but the know-how regarding how images and color translate to printed paper only come from experience. What you see on the computer screen in RGB color space often translates differently in the CMYK color space of commercial printing. Plus, every monitor displays color differently. Never use your monitor to judge image quality.

Printed Materials

Designing for print was how I started in this profession. The web was not even a twinkle in anyone’s eye. Creating materials that were to be printed by a commercial printer required a high level of knowledge to achieve the desire results. Before I worked as a designer, I worked in the printing industry. This provided the know-how that was needed. As with everything in this field, technology has made creating print materials easy and less expensive, but the know-how regarding how images and color will translate to the printed paper only comes from experience. What you see on the computer screen in RGB color space, many times translates differently in the CMYK color space of commercial printing. Plus every monitor displays color differently. Never use that as your benchmark.

Full Service Printing

Purchasing printed materials today has become less expensive than it was 20-30 years ago. Technology has made it more available to even the smallest of companies. Plus, you can purchase lower quantities, in many cases, so the cost outlay and inventory can be kept to a minimum. With some products, like books, they can be print-on-demand—producing just one copy at a time. I worked in the printing industry before transitioning into the design field, giving me the experience of knowing high quality and great value. We have a partnership with a quality printer at discounted prices. Let us quote your project to see if we can save you money.

Trade Show Graphics

You will be spending bucket loads of money to be an exhibitor at a trade show. Be sure you have your best foot forward with quality graphics and an attractive booth. Many details come into play to create the final product. One is timing. Start your planning six months before the trade show and know all the time frames for each step to be accomplished. Two, add time for delays. And three, do not put excessive amounts of copy on your graphics. Most people won’t read them. Look professional and let the booth graphic draw them in like honey bees to a flower. Once at your booth, it is all up to you.

Trade Show Graphics

You will be spending bucket loads of money to be an exhibitor at a trade show. Be sure you have your best foot forward with quality graphics and an attractive booth. There are multiple technical details that come into play to create the final product. One is timing. Plan six months in advance all the moving parts for the show and know all the timeframes for each step that needs to be accomplished. Two, add time for delays. And three, do not put excessive amounts of copy on your graphics. Most people won’t read them. Look professional and let the booth graphic draw them in like honey bees to a flower. Once at your booth, it is all up to you.
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